Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Bad Poetry :)

Ah, the subtle influence of a touch, a look, a word.

Even though I consider my own poetry nonsensical I'm going to post some lines from one of them. I just like the thought of this one...

Look up into the heavens.
Hear the whispers of the angels.
"Holy is the Lord God Almighty!"

Rolling, tumbling over one another
The clouds go their separate ways.
See! See! Make way for the King!

Only the pure are left.
All unrighteousness fades away.
But even the clean tremble: IN PRESENCE OF THE ALMIGHTY!

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"This is the mark of a really admirable man: Steadfastness in the face of trouble." Ludwig van Beethoven
"It is a sad fate for a man to die too well known to everyone else and still unknown to himself." Francis Bacon
It is a mindless philosophy that assumes that one's private beliefs have nothing to do with public office. Does it make sense to entrust those who are immoral in private with the power to determine the nation's moral issues and, indeed, its destiny? .... The duplicitous soul of a leader can only make a nation more sophisticated in evil. ~ Ravi Zacharias